Dartmoor Accommodation is excited to launch its ‘Dartmoor Real Ale Trail’ featuring over 35 pubs on and around the moor. The brainchild of owners, Lisa Jenkins and Julian Tarrant-Boyce, the Dartmoor Real Ale Trail lists the pubs, their ales and amenities and also features a fun and informative map of the area.

“You could say Julian and I have done ‘extensive’ research into the local hostelries in the area! But seriously, we know from people using our website that there is a thirst(!) for information about good beer pubs in the area. Often tucked away off the beaten track, these can be hard to find so we felt a map, or Ale Trail, would be great way of solving this problem.”
Not only is Dartmoor stunning to look at, walk across and ride through... it is also blessed with a great many excellent pubs and inns serving real ale. From the dramatic high tors in the north, to the softer more rolling landscape in the south, this Real Ale Trail will help you seek out the delights of traditional real ales and good hostelries in this beautiful area. A self-guided trail, the Dartmoor Real Ale Trail is intended to be enjoyed at a leisurely pace and definitely not all in one day!
The Dartmoor Real Ale Trail not only specifies the real ales and breweries (the vast majority of them local) and key beer facts such as Cask Marque accreditation, it also lists amenities such as outside drinking areas, open fires and, importantly, dog friendliness. “As accommodation specialists, we know just how important it is to people to be able to take their dogs with them on holiday and into pubs. Dartmoor is such a great area for walking, it’s only natural that your four-legged friend should come too!” adds Lisa.

A specially commissioned map provides a fun and informative guide to the trail and includes the locations of all the pubs featured plus mentions of important landmarks and local attractions. You can pick up a free copy of the Dartmoor Real Ale Trail from the participating pubs and retail outlets and information centres across the Dartmoor area.
Please note that pub details may change without notice and it is advisable to check details before heading out on the trail. While sat navs are helpful they are not infallible, so a decent road map would be useful in this (very) rural area where lanes are narrow, and hills steep.
It is always advisable to check with venues about opening times – sometimes hotels may be closed for private functions. Pub details may change without notice so it is advisable to check details before heading out on the trail and also check the website www.dartmoorrealaletrail.co.uk.